Each time you plug a USB crash into your PC you risk tainting the framework with malware. A few types of malware are explicitly intended to cover up on USB drives and spread to your records the second you associate that drive, and much of the time, you possibly acknowledge it when it's past the point of no return. USB-AV Antivirus was made with the sole reason for ensuring your framework against such dangers. It screens all USB-related movement and forestalls diseases, just as any dubious action, regardless of whether it's from a bit of programming or another client. 

The product takes a shot at a run-and-fail to remember model, implying that you can simply introduce it on your PC and let it chip away at its own, without interfacing with it. Downloading and introducing the program doesn't take over a moment, and it doesn't include any muddled settings. USB-AV Antivirus works straight out of the crate, so you don't need to introduce any essential instruments or administrations on your framework. 

When USB-AV is ready for action, you won't need to stress over diseases when you plug a USB crash into your PC. The product will consequently check its substance for diseases so you may know about any dangers before you access them. You can likewise run on-request look over a basic setting menu alternative. Besides, in the event that you wish to change the manner in which the program works, you can get it going in its overall settings board, which you can get to through its framework plate symbol. 

USB-AV's adaptability opens up a wide scope of conceivable outcomes. You can change its checking motor to be quicker or more slow, yet more solid. Furthermore, the product lets you pick between three viability levels, from "Low", which may not identify all dangers, to "High" which is more extreme and may give bogus positives. You likewise will choose how the program should manage contaminations, which can incorporate safely erasing difficult malware upon the following framework restart in the event that it isn't possible typically. 

One of USB-AV's favorable circumstances is that it doesn't cause any contentions in the event that you have another antivirus introduced on your framework. Indeed, the program can be made to cooperate with different antivirus programs. Other than running its own sweep, USB-AV can call upon your fundamental antivirus framework to run an extra investigation, regardless of whether the program is shut or deactivated, so you can be twofold certain the associated USB drive doesn't have any tainted records. 

Regardless of whether you have an antivirus program introduced on your PC, USB-AV Antivirus adds an additional layer of security, to shield you from any diseases that may come from dubious USB drives. 


The product can shield your PC from USB infections. It puts a wide scope of helpful alternatives available to you. It cheerfully shares the framework with different antivirus projects and it can even cooperate with them. 


Some antivirus-related highlights, such as eliminating existing contaminations, are limited to the paid adaptation, which doesn't occur with most free antivirus programs. 

You can download USB-AV Antivirus free