When arranging pictures, your screen might be loaded up with various windows, so you can move the documents starting with one spot then onto the next. On the off chance that you need to alter them, you will require an outsider programming. Making an arrangement or an introduction will require another product. So, you will require an alternate program for each assignment, on the off chance that you are utilizing fundamental apparatuses. Here is how you can manage your pictures, while utilizing Picasa: generally anything. You can oversee and share them, see them in slideshows, make video introductions and considerably more. 

Since Google purchased the product from the first engineers, in 2004, Picasa has been offered to the overall population for nothing. It is sans still it actually offers numerous highlights for getting sorted out, altering or sharing pictures. The arrangement unit is 14 and a half Mb huge and, after a snappy establishment measure, you can decide to set Picasa as your default picture watcher. 

At the point when the product is dispatched unexpectedly, you will have the chance of bringing in all the pictures on your hard drive or only those from the "My Pictures" organizer. Regardless of whether you have a large number of pictures, Picasa will run the ordering cycle out of sight, so you can feel free to utilize the interface, without expecting to hang tight for any advancement bar to top off. A little notice window will be shown in the lower right corner of the screen, mentioning to you what picture is being recorded at that point. You can, obviously, import pictures sometime in the not too distant future also. 

All the imported pictures are shown in the biggest zone of the interface. They are set in discrete gatherings, as per their organizers of birthplace and you can look through every one of them in a similar region. Their parent envelopes are recorded in a section, on the left half of the Window. On the off chance that you select one of these organizers, you will bounce legitimately to the contained pictures in the fundamental rundown. It is additionally conceivable to import recordings. You can channel the documents to show just recordings, pictures with faces in them or those with geotags. Different labels can be gotten to and altered on the left half of the interface, subsequent to clicking one of the catches underneath the thumbnails list. 

Pictures and recordings can be stacked by tapping the Import button, in the upper left corner of the interface. The import alternatives will show up under a different route tab, much the same as in an internet browser. Other than choosing a source and an objective envelope, you can likewise tick a choice to naturally reject copies, or you can avoid any picture physically. There are numerous things you can do with the imported pictures. A progression of alternatives are accessible for each gathering of pictures. They can be utilized to play a collection like a slideshow, in full screen mode, to make a photograph arrangement or a film introduction or to share the chose pictures or synchronize them with a web collection. 

Like the import choices, the ones for making photograph collections or film introductions will show up under discrete tabs on the interface. On the off chance that you double tap a picture, the view mode on the interface will change, uncovering different altering alternatives. Rather than a rundown, you will discover a see region and you can change starting with one picture then onto the next by clicking their little thumbnails on the toolbar. The altering alternatives and a histogram can be found close to the see zone. You can utilize them to edit a chose picture, eliminate red eye impacts and add a wide scope of channels. In the event that you select a video, you will discover alternatives for trading the clasp, taking a preview or transferring it to YouTube. 


Picasa makes it conceivable to put together pictures in any case you need, in isolated collections, without influencing their areas, or different viewpoints, on the hard drive. The interface has an agreeable plan. It is very efficient, so in the event that you have to utilize a particular element, you will consistently locate the correct alternatives close by. 


Progressed clients may not be happy with Picasa's altering alternatives. 

You just need to utilize Picasa for a couple of moments to understand that you won't discover another product which offers a similar adaptability and effortlessness with regards to getting sorted out pictures. 

You can download Picasa free