Record sharing is getting increasingly more famous these days. That is on the grounds that it's simpler to search for a document in an exceptionally enormous record network than to look for it on deluge destinations or Google. The universe of record sharing is controlled by two or three famous projects. eMule is one of those projects. At first named eDonkey, this program permits anybody to share his documents on the Internet, in a huge organization, offering anybody the likelihood to download them in next to no time. The program is easy to introduce, being a Windows application. Utilizing the program is likewise basic, as its interface has a graphical structure. 

In the wake of introducing and running the application, the client simply needs to tap on the Connect button remembered for the graphical toolbar. In the wake of doing this, the program will attempt to interface with the quickest worker accessible. Now, one can utilize the Search highlight for finding an ideal record. For delivering more exact outcomes, one can choose the kind of document he might want to discover, regardless of whether it's music, video or a picture. Subsequent to doing as such, the program will rapidly list all the accessible documents, including the quantity of clients who own that record, its size and type. 

By double tapping on a discovered document, the client can undoubtedly download it. eMule underpins numerous downloads simultaneously and will spare every one of them in the default sparing envelope. For making it simpler to deal with countless downloaded documents, they are assembled by status: finished, in progress, etc. Other than downloading records from different clients, one can likewise share his own documents and can likewise visit with the clients where he downloads the records from. 

eMule incorporates a completely highlighted IRC customer, which is superior to most committed IRC customers accessible available. There is likewise an insights segment accessible, which presentations progressed and itemized data with respect to the created traffic, download and transfer speed and so forth This is valuable for clients who have an Internet association with a restricted traffic plan. 


It permits associating with an extremely huge organization and downloading practically any sort of document. Other than that, more records can be downloaded simultaneously. Moreover, a completely highlighted IRC customer is remembered for the program. Additionally, the client can see different insights with respect to the created traffic and transfer and download speed. 


Having countless highlights accessible, it's conceivable to lose track now and again. 

eMule permits you to associate with an exceptionally huge organize and download any sort of document in the simplest and speediest manner conceivable. 

You can download eMule free