The 2017 WannaCry assault fills in as a notice against ransomware and what could occur if your PC gets contaminated. Every one of your reports, your whole work, family photographs and whatever else you keep on your PC gets encoded, and you can possibly get your information back in the event that you pay somebody a payment in Bitcoin. Luckily, there are measures to ensure your documents against such assaults, and a genuine model is Cyber Prot. It's planned explicitly for ransomware counteraction, and it depends on an advanced and compelling location strategy, to bring any ransomware to an abrupt halt before it gets the opportunity to do anything on your PC. 

You can test the product for nothing, without experiencing any huge constraints. It arrives in a little bundle, and it very well may be introduced right away, on any advanced Windows framework. You don't need to introduce any essential apparatuses or administrations, and you don't have to stress on the off chance that you as of now have an antivirus program introduced, on the grounds that Cyber Prot won't bring on any contentions. 

There's very little you need to do other than introducing Cyber Prot on your PC. Its checking motor and other security frameworks are turned on as a matter of course, so you can simply limit the program to the framework plate and spotlight on your everyday undertakings. On the off chance that a bit of ransomware figures out how to fall through your antivirus' guards and attempts to scramble your documents, Cyber Prot will get it in the demonstration and end the danger right away. 

The UI is something you might be acquainted with on the off chance that you have utilized different antivirus projects or support utilities previously. It accompanies a dashboard, on which you can discover general data, similar to the quantity of isolated documents, whitelisted envelopes or occasions that require your consideration. You can investigate different areas of the interface through route tabs, to locate a couple of general settings, a rundown of isolated documents, just as alternatives for adding applications and organizer ways to a whitelist, to keep the application from influencing defiled or recuperated records and applications that need to roll out genuine improvements to your documents. 

Digital Prot may look straightforward on a superficial level, yet you will locate some incredible highlights under its hood. Its proactive security will guard you against ransomware when you work with things or in places that are normally focused by these dangers, for example, your Documents organizer or email connections. Be that as it may, the program's heuristic examination abilities are what make it sparkle the most. This sort of highlight is generally found in the top antivirus programs available, and it shields against new and unidentified dangers. Rather than depending exclusively on a rundown of ransomware definitions, Cyber Prot oversees your documents and responds quickly in the event that it identifies uncommon conduct. All in all, on the off chance that it sees an application attempting to encode your records, it will impede it immediately, whether or not the application is on the definitions list or not. 

With Cyber Prot chipping away at your PC, ransomware won't be among the things you need to stress over. 


The product can secure your documents against ransomware assaults. It accompanies proactive insurance and heuristic examination abilities. It works discreetly out of sight, and it doesn't hinder you. 


There are no undeniable plan imperfections or usefulness holes to address. 

You can download Cyber Prot free